
Passing thoughts…

Waves of Change

I look at my friend list, seeing people de-activate and re-activate their accounts. They come and go like waves on the shore. Connected, but disconnected. Sometimes, I feel the same way. I just fade in and out. Looking for something, but it isn’t there on social media. Looking for that elusive human connection. I’m someone…

Past’s Impact on Present

It is not the memory, rather, it is the belief and the emotions tied into it which generates harmony or discord in the Present. Is this your experience? How much are associations ruling the unconscious mind and how much are environmental influences making our choices? Many people do a good 90% or more on autopilot…

Etchings in Time

There are so many moments etched in time. That’s what differentiates the biological realm from the Movement, itself. We leave marks to measure our place in time. It could be a piece of art like a painting, a sculpture, a book, music, a dance; any creative thing. These marks show us where we are at…

Changing Roles Through Trauma

I’ve noticed that some people get annoyed with those who tend to find the positives in things. There is nothing wrong with being cheerful, despite current events in personal life and in society. What a lot of people don’t know, is you have to climb out of your own Hell. I have done this. I…

What is Health?

As I have been making my way home in my body (coming back from decades of dissociation with my physical being), I am noticing things in myself and in others. The mind and the body are manifestations of spirit.  They are expressions, if you will. Some people are very in tune with their bodies and…

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